
Healthcare technology solutions.


SciPy is a comprehensive library built on top of NumPy, offering additional functionality for scientific and technical computing. It includes modules for optimization, signal processing, statistics, and more, facilitating a wide range of research applications.

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OpenBLAS is an optimized linear algebra library that accelerates mathematical computations on various CPUs. Its efficient implementation enhances the performance of scientific applications, particularly those involving large-scale matrix operations.

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NumPy is a fundamental Python library for numerical computations. It provides a robust foundation for array-based operations, mathematical functions, and linear algebra, making it a staple tool for scientific computing and data analysis.

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PandaOMICs Data Analysis

PandaOMICs is an AI-powered data analysis platform tailored for omics data, such as genomics and proteomics. It empowers researchers to efficiently process large-scale biological data, uncover meaningful patterns, and make data-driven discoveries.

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Chemistry42 is an AI-driven platform focused on accelerating drug discovery. It employs machine learning and computational chemistry techniques to predict molecular properties, optimize drug candidates, and expedite the process of identifying potential therapies.

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AlphaFold, developed by DeepMind, is a groundbreaking AI system that predicts protein structures with remarkable accuracy. Its deep learning architecture has revolutionized protein folding research, aiding in understanding the functions of various biological molecules.

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CZ CELLxGENE Discover is a versatile single-cell analysis platform that leverages AI to explore complex cellular landscapes. It helps researchers unravel the heterogeneity of cell populations, uncover novel cell types, and understand cellular interactions within biological systems.

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SpliceCore is an AI-powered platform designed to analyze RNA sequencing data, with a focus on alternative splicing events. By identifying complex RNA splicing patterns, researchers can gain insights into gene expression regulation and its implications in health and disease.

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MDAnalysis is a Python library dedicated to molecular dynamics simulations analysis. Using this platform, researchers can extract valuable insights from simulations of biomolecular systems, aiding in the study of protein dynamics, interactions, and more.

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NAPARI is an interactive, AI-enhanced, multi-dimensional image viewer for Python. It enables researchers to visualize and analyze complex imaging data, facilitating the exploration of intricate biological structures and processes.

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